FEBRUARY PROGRESS REPORT It's been a busy month though I don't feel like I've actually achieved much. Lots of stitching has been done though not on WIPs! I've been rather silly and started a whole load more so the 14 I had to finish is now considerably more. I have managed to finish one.. A little Furry Friend by Lucie Heaton one of many I intend to do this year. They are so cute and don't take very long. I'm not quite sure yet what I'm going to do with this one but however it turns out I enjoyed making it. This one is 40 x 40 squares. Furry Tales Sleepy Mouse by Lucie Heaton Cross stitch designs I was a bit late starting the SALs this year and I'm not caught up yet, possibly won't be with the stupid number I started but I'm enjoying them all. This one is from https://linenandthreads.com/mystery-sampler-stitch-a-long on white 14 count aida and a DMC blue variegated thread. Part 1 is completed and I've started February...